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вторник, 20 мая 2014 г.

In Kherson strange cargo arrived to Belarus

In Kherson Port propelled barge moored on which are fixed two huge structures, superficially similar to ballistic missiles.

The fact tells Irina Mikhailova , "Tiichny Kherson".

This photo taken May 18 in Kherson richportu. There near the River Station propelled barge moored " W. Rusanov", which secured two huge structures, superficially similar to ballistic missiles.
Guarding the cargo on the pier border guards and customs officers. However, special precautions were observed , and present at the pier Kherson no one chased . Moreover, when our reporter approached the customs officers guarded the shipment and asked permission to photograph him, she was allowed.
In their own words , it's not a rocket, a " rod for a nuclear reactor ", and they go through Ukraine in transit from the U.S. to Belarus. Thus the most " rockets " on the attached plates (see photo) indicated that they worked in Japan, and the destination of delivery of cargo - Belorussiya.

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